In case we forget which commands to use.
: Insert modeh
: moves cursor to the leftj
: moves the cursor downk
: moves the cursor upl
: moves cursor to the leftv
: selects a characterV
: selects a whole lined
: cuts a characterdw
: cuts a word from the cursor positiono
: adds a line below the cursorO
: adds a line above the cursord0
: cuts from the cursor backd$
: cuts from the cursor to the endy
: copies a characteryy
: copies a line including breaklinesy$
: copies a line without breaklineyiw
: copies a word without spacesyaw
: copies a word with spacesx
: deletes a character in front of the cursorX
: deletes a character behind the cursorp
: paste- Ctrl+R, “: paste in insertion mode
: goes to the beginning of the fileGG
: goes to the end of the file?
: search within the textr
: replaces a character:s/foo/bar/g
: replaces in the current line:%s/foo/bar/g
: replaces across the file:1,5s/foo/bar/g
: replaces between the lines:e (archivo)
: opens another file to modify it~
: changes letter format (mayus to minus, etc)ZZ
: saves and closes